
Expand your food and bev community with Good to Grow cohort opportunities

Rad Relish blog post (5)

Hands up if you have ever felt isolated or lonely as a business owner and food processor in the food and bev industry? We’re with you. 

After her experience building Tarragon Foods, founder of Good to Grow Andrea Gray-Grant knows firsthand how isolating the food industry can be. (Read more about Andrea’s business journey and how she founded Good to Grow.)

When you start a business in this industry, the costs add up, challenges seem vast, and hours of production are endless, so it does feel isolating–but it doesn’t have to be. The food and beverage community is far-reaching, kind and supportive.

As we continue to build signature Good to Grow workshops, learning cohorts, and events like From The Ground Up Trade Show, it’s important to us that each opportunity includes peer-to-peer support and networking components, like in the recently announced The Lunch Room

“There is strength in community and it is through connectedness and shared experience that a business, and in turn the industry as a whole, grows and succeeds,” says Andrea. 

Our learning cohorts and community offer a place to share ideas, struggles, and successes. In our experience, the food and bev community is incredible at sharing resources and solutions to problems they’ve faced. The added benefit of sharing within the structure of facilitated learning is that Good to Grow, as educators and seasoned industry experts, will provide verified information and guidance to the group.

Interested in building your food and bev community? Here are some upcoming opportunities:

  • The Lunch Room
    a 6-month advanced cohort for 12 selected participants in the late emerging and early growth stage of business
  • Sprout Series
    a 7-part workshop series for new and emerging food and beverage businesses
  • Grow Your Food Business Workshop
    a one-day starter workshop for new businesses as well as those in the ideation stage

We hope you consider us a part of your food and bev community because if you’re reading this, you are most certainly a part of ours! Please always feel free to reach out to us to chat about how we can support you. With us, you’re Good to Grow.
